Plant based diets, an increasingly popular alternative to the traditional diet.

Plant based diets, an increasingly popular alternative to the traditional diet.

The constant search for healthy habits, a greater awareness about caring for the planet and animal abuse, and the desire to maintain a balanced diet are the main motivations that have generated a great growth in plant-based diets worldwide.

Being the United States and Europe pioneers in this trend, Latin America is not left behind. Innovations related to foods made entirely with plant-based ingredients are growing daily, both in the appearance of new brands and in the expansion of options for existing brands not associated with plant-derived products.

This type of differentiated food is not always chosen by vegan or vegetarian consumers, but a third group called Flexitarians appears: those who choose to reduce the consumption of meat or foods of animal origin without eradicating them completely from their diet.

It is this last group, then, who puts before the food industry the greatest challenge: to offer a product of vegetable origin, healthy, but with a taste, color, aroma and texture practically identical to its animal origin analog.

It is therefore essential to know the functionality of each of the possible ingredients involved in a food matrix, in order to meet the organoleptic expectations of those who are looking for more options to include in their vegetable diet.

Mathiesen Food has an extensive portfolio of plant-derived ingredients to solve the complexity of this type of developments in terms of stability, mouthfeel, creaminess, etc. in multiple applications: desserts, vegetable drinks, dressings, alternatives to meat products, cheeses, among others.

Therefore, if you are thinking about new plant-based challenges, our technical team can help you by clicking here.