Wheat gluten: What is it, and its contribution to bakery products

Wheat gluten: What is it, and its contribution to bakery products

Gluten is the protein found naturally in different grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and mixtures between these grains.

Foods that contain gluten include primarily baked goods, such as breads, cakes, cereals, and pasta, among many others.

Gluten consists of two proteins, gliadin, and glutenin, necessary to fulfill their function in baking doughs.

Alveoli in Breadcrumbs

Hydrated gliadins provide viscosity and elasticity, and hydrated glutenins are binders and elastic. Both proteins, called prolamins, when hydrated, act as a cohesive agent in the dough, making it elastic and extensible. This property of viscoelasticity allows a desired crumb structure during fermentation and provides sponginess and a desired texture in the baked product; this is one of the main differences vs. baking doughs for coeliacs since wheat gluten is considered an allergen.

Gluten is formed by the interaction between gliadin and glutenin during kneading, in the presence of water and mechanical energy, and during baking it is responsible for retaining the gases that are released during fermentation, thus retaining the gases inside the dough and forming the classic alveoli of the breadcrumb. After baking, the coagulation of the gluten is also responsible for preventing the dough from deflating.

Main Uses of Vital Wheat Gluten

The utilization of wheat gluten is increasing in the food industry and is not exclusive to bakery products; its main usages and applications are:

  • In breakfast cereals bind vitamins and minerals.
  • It is added to toasted snacks so that the salt and flavors adhere correctly.
  • It is used to fix colorants and flavorings in different food matrices.
  • It is incorporated into low-quality meat preparations and sausages, providing consistency and reducing costs.
  • It is used in balanced food because it acts as a binder.
  • In flours, in particular, it is incorporated to improve the texture of the doughs, making them crispier and preventing them from breaking easily.

At Mathiesen Uruguay, in the food industry, we market and distribute vital wheat gluten. We bet on quality raw materials and work with certified suppliers that provide the standards that our customers require.

We have the necessary certifications and can meet the requirements of your industry. We believe in innovative ingredients and can coordinate the shipment of samples for industrial testing.

Contact us to learn more about our product portfolio and to request technical and commercial support for these and other applications.